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Who Are The Fae Folk?


Who Are The Fae Folk?

As we walk this spiritual journey we encounter many beings, spirits and entities. We may have heard about them, but don't really know what they are. Just like it is important to know each other's cultures, it is also important to have a little understanding of the different beings we may come in contact with on our journey. Today we are going to look at an overview of one of those beings, The Fae Folk.

Who Are the Fae? What do you think of when you hear the word Fae? Have you ever been in the woods or a park and felt like someone was watching you? You may think of fairies or Elves or gnomes. Let's take a look at who the Fae Folk are.

The Fae Folk are also known as Fair Folk or Good Folk. They live in many different areas. Maybe you have always thought of them being in a magical, gorgeous wooded area, but in reality you can find them in a simple backyard or park.

The Fae Folk have many different types of fairies and creatures. You may picture a fairy as looking like an angelic being with wings, but that Is not the case. The Fae Folk are composed of many different types of creatures and there is not just one specific type of fairy. They come in all different sizes, shapes and forms and look very different from each other.

There are so many different types of beings in the Fae world that we can't account for or name them all. Some of the names of Fae beings are pixies, elves, fairies, kelpies, fairy horses, fairy dogs,house fairies or brownies, and many more.

House Fairies or Brownies interact with us the most. Pixies are the most common garden Fae Folk, and Elves are more common in colder climates.

The different types of Fae Folk tend to remain with different cultures. In North America there are Fae Folk indigenous to different areas such as with the Cherokee. There are also Scottish Fae Folk, Irish Fae Folk, Germanic Fae Folk and many more.

The word fairy seems to be a catchall term for these beings. It was first used in the English language over 700 years ago. Words such as Elf, Goblin, and Imp, were often substituted for fairy.

Respect of the Fae Folk is very important when you come in contact with them. They are in their own world and rule over themselves. They consider themselves equal with us and do not seek us out to support us or ask for help from us. Simply put, they are just part of their own world.

The Fae world is in another dimension from us, but at the same time is very close to us. We are still close enough to interact with each other. Old Irish legend suggests that fairies live on a plane just above us. They will typically use glamours to affect what we see. They tend to hide themselves from us because their world is so close to us. Some of them live out in nature, but you may find them living in mines, the sea or even in cities.

It can be very common for some people to think fairies are bad or evil. But they, like us, are just individual beings and can be both good or bad. Every Fae Folk you meet will be different just like us. Just like any other different culture that we have to learn to embrace, the Fae Folk have their own rules, morals, ethics, and etiquette. This may make it difficult for us to understand them at times.

The Fae Folk can be unpredictable and don't act like humans in many ways. If you do something that upsets them they are capable of hurting you. Once you invite them into your home you just can't lock them out if you upset them. They are not bound by physical law like we are, and this can make it difficult to protect yourself against them. They are not like ghosts or spirits and have more physical power in this world. They are able to move things easily and are capable of touching humans.

In general, the Fae Folk do not want to cause any harm to humans unless they do something to disturb the Fae world such as touching or ruining a Fae place. This is something you never want to do. If you upset or anger a Fae, they are known to steal items, cause bad luck, kill crops, hurt animals, make humans sick, cause blindness or loss of speech and in worse case scenarios even cause a stroke, muscle cramps, and steal children.

The Fae Folk also have that good side. They can befriend you, heal you, help your gardens to grow, play with your animals and they can even introduce you to their magical world. They love working in nature, playing with children, and interacting with the most beautiful parts of the world. They have been known to warn humans of impending danger and negative entities.

Fae Folk can also be very mischievous. They love to play tricks on you and also confuse you with their word play. They may steal things from your home or trick you into giving them something. They are not able to lie, so that is why they are crafty with their word play in order to trick you. Negotiate carefully with a Fae as once you strike a deal with them, there is no getting out of it.

Most Fae Folk are very generous and forgiving as long as you remain humble with them and acknowledge when you mess up.

There are several things you should know before making contact with Fae Folk. You should know basic Fae Folk terminology, Fairy etiquette, how to set up boundaries, and most importantly is how to protect yourself around them. Try not to go into Fae territory, let them come to you. Learn about local folklore and legends.

If you want to begin a relationship with the Fae Folk, remember it will be like a relationships that you have with humans. You just can't ask them to come around when you want. It's an equal relationship. You can start off by giving them offerings such as crystals, mirrored pieces or things that are shiny. They also like sweet food, milk, honey, and alcohol. They love gardens, plants, wind chimes, music and fairy houses.

I hope this overview help you understand more about who the Fae Folk are and what some of their culture is like. Look for my future blogs coming soon on Fae Folk Etiquette and How To Protect Yourself From The Fae Folk.

The Fae Folk, another culture of beings that are misunderstood and sometimes misjudged by false stories. Get to know more about them, study them, and let's all live together happily in the universe.

Blessed Be!

By Michael Walters

The Ancestors Fire

Writing the voices of the unheard.


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