What Was Project Blue Book?
The very first documented UFO sighting happened in 1947 near Mt Rainier, Washington. Kenneth Arnold saw a group of nine high speed objects going several thousand miles per hour. He said that they were moving like saucers skipping over the water. A newspaper report mistakenly said they were saucer shaped, resulting in the term we know today, flying saucers.
Suddenly the sightings of flying saucers increased and in 1948 the US Air Force began an investigation of these sightings and they called it Project Sign. Within the next year Project sign, which most investigators tried to say the sightings were secret Soviet aircraft, was replaced by Project Grudge. Then in 1952, Project Grudge was replaced by Project Blue Book and was headquartered at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio.
Project Blue Book was named after the pamphlets used in colleges and universities for testing. It was selected because of the close attention high ranking officials were giving to the sightings and that was compared to the importance of a final exam in a college or university.
Captain Edward Ruppelt was selected as the first person to head the project. He would officially create the term UFO for unidentified flying objects to replace the original flying saucers.
Astronomer J. Allen Hynek was the scientific consultant for Project Blue Book. He was a pronounced skeptic of UFOs at the start of the project. He was also a member of The Robertson Panel which recommended UFO's needed debunking. A few years later Hynek would claim that Air Force personnel were indifferent, incompetent, and conducted shoddy research.
From 1952 to 1969, Project Blue Book compiled more than 12,000 reports of sightings and events regarding flying saucers or UFO's.
Project Blue Book was dismantled in 1969 after several different committees determined that there was no evidence of extraterrestrial activity and the decreasing sightings were commonplace phenomena.
This blog is just to describe what project Blue Book was for those who may not have heard of it before. The biggest thing I took away from my studies is the Project Blue Book was never going to be a successful and accurate investigation into UFOs. Just another front by the government to hide and cover up the secrets of our Universe and to program our minds to how they want us to think and what they want us to believe.
We have to learn to think for ourselves and understand that the government and religious systems of the world have their own agendas they want to force upon us to create the matrix we currently live in.
I will continue to explore and share these topics with my readers to expose the lies of the human world.
By Michael Walters
The Ancestor's Fire
Writing the voices of the unheard
