Message From the Galactic Council
This is a special weekend blog drop and an important message from the Galactic Council.
During my Monday meditation, I traveled to the Galactic Council. In future blogs you will learn of my travels to the Galactic Council and my Arcturian Spirit Guide Tygon.
Lately I have been able to channel Tygon. Those stories will have to wait as I have an urgent message to share from the Galactic Council.
When I arrived at the Council on Monday, everyone who was there was rushing around, going to meeting after meeting. Everyone had a sense of urgency and concern. There was a good amount of commotion and I could sense something wasn't right.
I immediately started channeling Tygon the Arcturian, my spirit guide. I asked him what was going on. He responded to me that there is an issue happening with the Earth. This issue was happening sooner than expected and the Council was rushing to figure out how to handle it. He told me something big was about to happen on Earth and to be prepared.
That was all the information that I could get. I wondered to myself what it could mean. I thought about it as the week went along. Then on Thursday I received this email message from my subscription to the Universal Lighthouse. It was a message from the Andromeda Galactic Council.
This message was centered around the recent happenings in Peru and the appearance of Alien invaders. The message tells us that dark entities are starting to emerge in remote areas of the world and soon the media will not be able to hide it.
These dark minions that you will see are not extraterrestrials, but hybrids created by the Special Black Ops and Project Blue Book.
They do not come from the skies, they come from Earth's interior. They are stationed in underground nests and bases and are now emerging because they can't handle the changes happening to Earth's core.
These bases are crumbling and changing due to the increased change in vibration that is being created by the lights of the Galactic Councils, bringing an increased awakening to a higher consciousness in many humans.
These beings are emerging because they have no choice. They don't want to be seen, they don't want you to know they exist. But the vibrational changes are revealing who they are.
These attacks will occur in remote areas of the world that have little knowledge of the events going on. Investigations into these random, remote attacks will reveal their true identities. They use advanced technology that was gained through captured starships that the advanced military complex has hidden from Earth.
Do not fear. This is not a post of fear. The advanced technology that these beings have is no match for the federations of the Galactic Councils. Our special hierarchy of the 9th degree and beyond will stop anything they try to do to the Earth.
You are being told this to make you aware. The more aware you are, the more capable you are of channeling your energies and light to where it is most needed. You are very powerful beings, more powerful to overcome what is about to happen.
So this is the message from the Andromeda Council, which gives more detail to what I witnessed three days before at the Arcturian Council. 2 different Councils talking about major things happening.
I post this blog just to inform you that if you see reports in the news like what is coming out of Peru, you will know the true story behind it. Do not be misled by the false narratives that will come out.
There are many things we are programmed to believe. We can only find the truth when we reach a higher consciousness and are awakened to higher dimensions.
By Michael Walters
The Ancestor's Fire
Writing the voices of the unheard
