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The Crow. #105


Updated: Jan 21, 2024

The Crow:

I have a long list, (that continues to grow) of topics that I want to write blogs about. But it seems like I am not able to get through them as the universe seems to put other immediate topics in my spiritual path to write about. This blog will be one of those topics the universe gave me.

I have written blogs before to be the voice of animals who have a story to be told. The Koala is one of those animals. While I initially started writing about my spiritual experience with the Koala, I quickly learned it had a story about the disappearing of its habitat it wanted me to tell. Now I have something else that has grabbed my attention. The Crow.

What story does the Crow want me to tell? I am not sure yet at this point in my writing, but it definitely got my attention yesterday.

I was taking a walk and I saw a large black feather in the ground. I noticed immediately that it was a crow's feather. Then I saw another one sticking up out of the ground. Eventually I would find about a dozen large crow feathers in one immediate area. Something had happened to this crow, but why were its feathers left for me to find?

The American crow is a large distinctive bird with iridescent black feathers all over. The most usual call is a loud and short caw, caw, caw. It will usually thrust its head up and down as it calls out. It 's known to produce a wide variety of sounds and will sometimes mimic noises made by other animals.

Crows are known to be intelligent birds. They have the same brain-weight-to-body ratio as humans. This leads many to believe crows are self-aware. Their average life span is 7 to 8 years.

Many human cultures associate crows with death, thieves, graveyards and bad luck. But Pagan and indigenous cultures see them as signs of good luck or even signs for certain gods such as Apollo and Odin.

Crows can be a symbol of transformation, intelligence, bravery, opportunity, and fate. Some have even brought people gifts. Temporary and unexpected changes may be coming, but with a positive outcome.

As noted earlier, many cultures associate a false misunderstanding, crows with death. They are associated with death because they are both scavengers and predators. They will feast from time to time alongside vultures and eagles seeking food where death has occurred.

Due to this, crows are often portrayed as omens of death. But actually they are highly intelligent and social creatures who will eat just about anything to survive in the wild.

One unique thing about crows is that they will attend to their dead holding something similar to a funeral. Crows are known to “mob” or gather around their dead in order to assess danger and nearby predators.

The Crow is also a mystical gateway to the spirit realm. It can help grant access to insights and understandings beyond the reach of the natural mind. By heeding the crows' wisdom and guidance, we open ourselves to the discovery within ourselves and the world around us.

As a spirit animal the crow is a symbol of magic and mystery. It brings intelligence, a higher perspective, being audacious or fearless, flexibility, transformation, alchemy, and destiny.

I am not sure what the crows message is for me. But writing this I discovered many things about the crow that I was not aware of. Maybe that is the purpose. To bring revelation and discovery about the crow to others. Maybe it is helping to provide intelligence and a higher perspective to what it symbolizes. Perhaps it has something to do with Odin and my Norse background and discovering Runes.

I hope to continue to learn more about crows and perhaps get a more deeper interpretation of the feather discovery during my meditational journeys.

The Crow. A misunderstood being in our world.

Do you know the crow?

Blessed Be!

By Michael Walters

The Ancestor's Fire

Writing the voices of the unheard



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The Ancestor's Fire Hiking Adventures 


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