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The 2 Boys Running in the Woods

The 2 Boys Running in the Woods

Today's blog I am giving an account of one of my meditational journeys I went on. As usual, during my meditation, I traveled to the fire of the ancestors and joined in the ceremony.

Once I arrived one of my spirit guides appeared to me and helped me travel to the forest. Here is what happened:

After arriving at the fire and greeting the ancestors, SageFeather, my spirit guide helped me travel to the forest. I do not know what forest it was. I found myself standing in the middle of the forest staring at 2 deer. I heard a noise coming towards me and the deer ran off. Then 2 boys appeared, young, playing and laughing. One was white, one was indigenous. They were laughing, sitting in the shade, drinking water and eating berries. Then I saw the boys grown up. Not together. The indigenous with war paint, hiding and the white boy helping to capture the indigenous people and send them to their death. Then the 2 crossed paths and recognized each other. The indigenous man tied up in ropes waiting for his fate, the white man his guard. At this point the white man let the indigenous man go free and the 2 escaped together off into the woods. Sagefeather then spoke and said see, The white child and the indigenous child were happy. Peaceful. Played together. The earth provided the ground for both to share. The earth provides the water for both to drink. The earth provided the berries for both to eat. There was plenty for everyone. The indigenous boy grew, being taught in the way of the ancestors and the universe, the white boy grew being programmed by the ruling elite. The indigenous man hid while the white man destroyed. But, seeing his friend bound, something in him changed. He was awakened to what he was doing. He was awakened to the man he was supposed to be and not the man he was programmed to be. He then joined the indigenous man and they ascended back into the woods together with the ancestors. There are many who have been programmed and formed to live in this society and do not see the ancestry that came before them. There are many that need to be awakened to run off to the Ancestors and keep their memory alive. Wake up. Wake the people up and get them away from the control of the system.

After he was finished talking to me I returned to the fire and my meditation ended.

Have you gone through an awakening yet? Are you connected With your ancestors? If not, it is time. Understand you are programmed to be like the system. To be like the organizations who want to control everything including you. You do not have to conform with society. You do not have to conform to the things the system has set up to program you. It is ok to be you. It is ok to know your ancestors and who you are. It is ok to know and practice the customs and traditions of your ancestors and their culture. It is ok to be different from everyone else and not do what everyone else does.

Awaken. Be you. Celebrate Who you are and don't conform to who they want you to be.

Blessed Be!

By Michael Walters

The Ancestors Fire

Writing the voices of the unheard

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