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Returning the Gaelic Language to Scotland

Returning the Gaelic Language to Scotland

If you are a follower of my blogs you will know that I often write about the importance of remembering the original language of your culture.

I have written a couple of blogs on the Gaelic language of Scotland being an endangered language. It is a language that is true to the culture of Scotland, particularly strong in the Highlands.

Most of Scottish culture is based on Gaelic traditions and stories written and spoken about originally in the Gaelic language. How can you truly understand and revitalize a culture if only 1% of the population speaks it. Today I want to look at what is being done to keep the Gaelic language from extinction and bring that language back to the people.

From 2018-2021 interest in the Gaelic language increased by 72%. It shows that Gaelic is thriving not only in Scotland but throughout the world.

The Scottish government is working with a number of projects and policies that have been created to secure a sustainable future for Gaelic. Their policies are aiming to retain and attract Gaelic speakers to live and work in Gaelic speaking communities. They are working to ensure that health, social care, and wellbeing services are being offered in Gaelic.

They have also created standardized assessments in Gaelic. Recognizing the importance of having Gaelic teachers, they have added Gaelic into the teacher training website.

Teaching in Gaelic is providing a vital role in bringing back the language. They have a key role in developing young people's skills in speaking the language. In addition to having the teaching opportunities, Gaelic education happens to be occurring the most in some of Scotland's most rural and beautiful locations, which is an attraction in itself.

Gaelic medium education is where children are immersed in the language from early years to primary one. It is very important to start teaching the language at a young age.

It is very encouraging that there are efforts being made to bring back the Gaelic language. I hope the plans that have been put in place are just not words on paper but actual commitments from the leaders of Scotland. I don't live there, although I wish I did, to personally see if these commitments are taking place and making a difference.

I think it is very important that we support the Indigenous languages of all peoples. We can not let the linguistic parts of the culture or even the culture itself be eradicated from the world.

The more the political and religious puppets of the matrix try to make us conform to be like them, the more the Indigenous cultures of the world will disappear. We can't let that happen. We have to speak out, stand up and make a difference in the world. We have to protect all cultures.

The Gaelic Language of Scotland. Efforts are put in place to prevent its extinction. Now we need an army to execute those plans and save one of many cultures of the world.

Join The Ancestor's Fire in promoting the regrowth of Indigenous languages including the Gaelic language of Scotland.


By Michael Walters

The Ancestor's Fire

Writing the voices of the unheard


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