Psychedelics: What Are They?
What do you think of when you hear the word Psychedelics? Do you think of the programmed answer that this society has planted in your mind over the years? Or do you think of something else, something more spiritual, ancestral, and mind opening?
If you go searching for what Psychedelics are you will get something like this: they are a subclass of hallucinogenic drugs whose primary effect is to trigger non-ordinary mental states and an apparent expansion of consciousness. That is what is being planted in our minds.
Continuing on: Classic Psychedelics generally cause specific psychological, visual, and auditory changes, and often a substantially altered state of consciousness. They have had the largest influence on science and culture and include mescaline, LSD, psilocybin and DMT.
Many psychedelic drugs are illegal worldwide due to the UN. But recreational use of Psychedelics is very common. Research on Psychedelics has shown that they are physiologically safe and rarely lead to addiction.
Studies on psilocybin show that Psychedelic drugs can assist with treating depression, alcohol addiction and nicotine addiction and can be effective treatment for certain forms of psychopathology. They have also helped people with OCD, PTSD, and cluster headaches. They also have been shown to have potential anti-inflammatory activity and could potentially help treat inflammatory diseases such as asthma, cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
The word psychedelic was first introduced by Humphrey Osmond in 1957. It comes from the Greek word "psyche" which means soul and mind, and also from the Greek word "delein" meaning to manifest. The intended meaning of this is soul manifesting or mind manifesting.
Why did a scientist give the name to these drugs to mean manifesting the mind or soul , but yet the UN, Governments and the Christian church program us to think it is evil and harmful to us? Perhaps it is because they do not want us to open our mind and consciousness to who we truly are and where we truly came from and want to keep us confirmed to their way of life.
Once again here is another source of healing that is provided by the universe. Wait Michael, it is a drug. It is evil. It comes from dealers on the street. It has to be bad. That is what they want you to think. While some Psychedelics can be produced in labs, most of the mind opening, conscious expanding and health healing Psychedelics come from nature.
LSD is made from a fungus found in ergot, which is a fungus that infects rye. Psilocybin is a naturally occurring substance found in mushrooms and is found in many parts of the world. Mescaline is derived from the Mexican peyote and San Pedro cactus. DMT is an alkaloid found in psilocybin mushrooms. It is a naturally occurring component in several plants. Peyote is the most well-known and potent psychedelic cactus and used by indigenous cultures for over 5000 years.
With the push to legalize Psychedelics in many US states, and the growing spiritual awakening occurring across the globe, it is important that our culture is educated properly on what Psychedelics truly are. Don't take the word of the government or the church. Don't listen to the politicians, the preachers or even me in this blog. Go out and research it yourself. Go out and learn about psychedelics yourself.
Psychedelics are a healing product of nature that has been used in many ancient cultures. It is time that our minds are awakened and in tune with the ways of our Ancestors and the natural healing properties the universe provides for us.
In future blogs I will explore the legalization of psychedelics and the ancient indigenous cultures and their use of Psychedelics.
Psychedelics. Learn what they are before making a decision on your reaction to them.
By Michael Walters
The Ancestor's Fire
Writing the voices of the unheard
