Meeting Quan Yin.
Earlier this year in late spring I decided to do a fire in my fire pit to celebrate the full moon. I was early on in my awakening and spiritual journey and this would be my first ceremony that I had done.
Throughout the night I took pictures of the fire. When I went back to look at them I saw several different spirits that had appeared in the flames. Not knowing exactly what I was looking at, I shared one of the pictures in a social media group that I had become a member of. I got many responses, but 2 stood out.
I had one person attack me over the pictures. They made false accusations about editing and told me that they were connected with wolves and threatened me. It was really weird to me as I had not had any contact with this person before and just simply asked what the people saw in the picture.
The other response was more positive. A psychic from Australia messaged me and told me that the image in the fire was Quan Yin and that she was reaching out to me. The psychic told me that she has had dealings with Quan Yin before and that she was a good spirit who wanted to help people. She said that Quan Yin had appeared to me in the fire to help me. There was something that I needed help with and she was going to be by my side to assist me. She felt it was important that I reached out to Quan Yin as soon as I could.
Now I looked up an image of Quan Yin, who by the way is a Buddhist deity of compassion and love, and that image had a striking resemblance to the image in the picture of the fire.
By this time it was late and I wanted to sleep on it. I went to bed exhausted and with a headache, the latter of which would stay with me throughout the next day.
The next night, after battling the headache all day, I went into my meditation. Immediately I joined a group of shamans who were doing a ceremony around the fire. One of my spirit guides, Sage Feather, was participating in the ceremony too. The shamans began throwing large amounts of water on me and then told Sage Feather to take me to my healing garden. I wasn't sure what was happening.
I left with Sage Feather and headed to my healing garden. I went through the tree and arrived at the canyon below. Then my spirit animal the Eagle appeared and told me that the woman who was making false accusations about me was trying to hurt me. The Eagle said that she and her wolf had bad energy. Then the woman's wolf appeared before me and you could see and feel all of the bad energy. The Eagle swooped down and snatched up the wolf and carried it away, saving me from whatever it wanted to do.
I moved on and arrived at the garden. I was greeted BY my spirit guide Tin Shan and my spirit animal the Koala. They made me lie down and lit some sage. They said that even though I had put protection around me before the fire last night, there were so many spirits at my fire they wanted to get rid of any attachments, especially since the woman and her wolf came after me. My spirit animal the Hawk gave them a feather and they started to do a smudging ceremony. They burnt the sage and completed the ceremony.
Tin Shan said that I was ok and had no attachments. He sat next to me and began to talk to me about Quan Yin. He said the lady from Australia was correct and it was her that appeared in my fire. He said she was there to help me on my spiritual journey. He wanted me to seek her out in my meditations and rely on her for any help or questions I may have.
When he was dome, he returned me to the group of Shamans that I had started the meditation with. I stayed with them until their ceremony was over and my meditation ended.
This was one of my first battles with my spirit guides and animals. It was also a verification about Quan Yin joining my group of guides. I have gone on to meet her and speak with her a few times.
Sometimes I get nervous or fearful about sharing or putting myself "out there" . But I have come to understand that this is my journey and nobody else's. This is for me to walk. Hopefully by sharing my journey it can help others get started on their journey as well and also reassure others that they are not alone.
This was another step in my spiritual journey. I hope to be able to share more of my experiences with you soon.
By Michael Walters
The Ancestor's Fire
Writing the voices of the unheard
