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What Is Astral Travel?

What is Astral Travel? As we journey on this spiritual path we may come across specific words or labels that we may not know for sure...

Who Are The Pleiadians?

Who Are The Pleiadians? In prior blogs I have looked at the different types of extraterrestrial beings that exist in our Universe. Many...

What Is Channeling? #93

What Is Channeling? We all have some type of psychic gifts within us. We just need to learn how to discover them. Over the course of my...

What Are Dimensions?

What Are Dimensions? If you are someone who is just starting to go through your awakening, you may hear the term Dimensions quoted...

The Arcturians

The Arcturians. Most human beings will tell you that there is not any life other than what is on Earth. We have been programmed to think...

Blog: Blog2
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