Breathwork in Ancient Civilizations
Breathwork in Ancient Civilizations. Back in August I wrote a blog titled The Art of Breathing. If you haven't read it yet, please check...
Breathwork in Ancient Civilizations. Back in August I wrote a blog titled The Art of Breathing. If you haven't read it yet, please check...
What is Astrology? As Above So Below! What is your sign? That is something that may come to your mind when you hear the word astrology....
English Colonialism One of the biggest things to impact today's society has been English Colonialism. Not only today's society, English...
What Is A Medium? As we go on this spiritual journey together we will come across topics that either we know little about, haven't heard...
What Was Project Blue Book? The very first documented UFO sighting happened in 1947 near Mt Rainier, Washington. Kenneth Arnold saw a...
Greyskull The Pirate: A Meditational Journey. Today's blog is going to be about another meditational journey I experienced. In this...
The Biltmore House. The Ancestor Connection In today's blog we are going to take a look at one of the biggest attractions in Western...
The Colonies Indentured Servants of Scotland. We have been taught in our English Colonialism education that many of the settlers to the...
What Are Dimensions? If you are someone who is just starting to go through your awakening, you may hear the term Dimensions quoted...
Meeting Quan Yin. Earlier this year in late spring I decided to do a fire in my fire pit to celebrate the full moon. I was early on in my...
Timber Rattlesnake As I continue on this spiritual awakening, my journeys take me to many places and I get to meet many different beings...
The Spirits Were Active in the Forest Today. My soulmate and I set a goal every year to hike to our favorite mountaintop once a week in...
The Powhatan and Jamestown History. The majority of what we know about history comes from what we read others write about it, or what we...
What Is Animism? Exploring all types of beliefs in all cultures, particularly indigenous cultures, is part of my spiritual journey. I...
Returning the Gaelic Language to Scotland If you are a follower of my blogs you will know that I often write about the importance of...
I Spoke To An 18th Century Spirit in the Forest Today. Today was another beautiful journey to the mountains. My soulmate and I have been...
Osteoporosis:Affecting My Avatar There are many questions that I seek answers for in this lifetime. Many deal with who I am not just in...
Who Are The Celts? The first time that we ever hear of the Celts is from Greek authors but we get the majority of the history of the...
Meditation: What Does It Mean To You? Meditation can take on many meanings, definitions, and practices. Let's take a look at how society...
In today's blog, I am going to take you on another one of my meditational journey experiences. In this journey I have my first battle in...